Monday, September 26, 2011

piadina with anchovies, capers and pesto kesong puti

We've having alot of these for dinner for the past 2 weeks. Usually, it's just with tomato sauce, garlic, onions, and cheese.  This time though, after discovering that the organinc store just adjacent to where my son goes for toddler class sells kesong puti, i thought it was  great idea to pull all the stops! This would have been perfect had we not forgotten to add mushrooms. 
ingredients: tortilla flour
tomato sauce
garlic, minced
pesto flavored kesong puti, cut into cubes (plain ones will work too!)quick melt cheese, grated

spread tomato sauce and place the rest of the ingredients over tortilla flour
fold in half and place in pan over medium heat
remove from pan once slightly brown on both sides


  1. irene, where did you get the pesto kesong puti? and how much?
    Love the plate, by the way!

  2. hi, maqui!

    i bought the kesong puti at a store just beside alonzo's playhouse. its at the ISIP building along palma street corner manalac. near rockewell.
    plain kesong puti is P100 (ata) while the one with pesto is P125.

    thanks, the plate is a hand-me-down from my mom
