Monday, March 26, 2012

Grilled Vegetable Tortilla

Since the start of the lenten season, we have been making these for dinner almost every Friday.
What I love about it is that we could just throw in whatever vegetable we have left in the fridge.
We usually do our groceries during the weekend and
it is every Friday night when we get to clear the fridge of anything uncooked, half eaten, spoiled, expired
and (god forbid) unidentifiable.
We've tried this with grilled zuchini, eggplant, squash, asparagus, mushroom, bell pepper,
we even experimented with mangoes and  pineapple!
But this would work just as well even with only
garlic, onions and tomatoes.

Lightly coat the vegetables in olive oil and season with salt and pepper before grilling. Then drizzle the vegetables with either pesto, honey mustard dressing or any vinegrette that you prefer. Then finally top with cheese.

I have to admit that hubby prefers to add something anything  just so it won't be purely vegetarian (he's such a carnivore!) like fried fish fillet, shrimps, canned tuna or even hard boiled eggs.

I even caught him cheating by adding left over adobo! HAH!

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